
Plastic Surgery is NOT Cosmetic Surgery…

…and cosmetic surgery is not plastic surgery! It can be difficult in this modern day climate of heavy advertising, social media and internet searches for prospective cosmetic surgery patients to learn the truth about cosmetic procedures and the surgeons who

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Posted in Cosmetic Surgery

Preparing For Oral Surgery

Oral Surgery  Thorough preparation for your oral surgery will help ensure that your risk of complications is minimized and you have an expedited recovery. You should approach oral surgery just like any other surgical procedure, and diligently follow your surgeon’s instructions for

Posted in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Who is an Oral Surgeon?

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Dentists can undertake minor oral surgeries, but they are not oral surgeons or oral and maxillofacial surgeons (OMS), which is the complete name of these specialists. The word “maxillofacial” means pertaining to the face and jaw. 

Posted in Oral & Maxillofacial

Common Oral Surgical Procedures

Oral Surgery Any oral surgery is a delicate procedure, which should only be performed a qualified and experienced oral surgeon. These surgeons are specifically trained to perform a wide range of procedures, and will be able to deliver safe and predictable results.  

Posted in Oral & Maxillofacial, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Common Oral Surgical Procedure: Tooth Extraction

Tooth Extraction  Tooth extraction is a dental procedure to remove a tooth from its socket in the bone. When you have a decayed, damaged or broken tooth, your dentist will first try to restore it with a filling, dental crown,

Posted in Cosmetic Surgery

Types of Oral Mouth Cancer

A wide variety of cells constitute the mouth tissue. Malignancy may originate in any particular type of cells, which will determine the type of oral cancer. Before the mouth cancer treatment begins, it’s necessary to identify its type.  Oral and

Posted in Other

Breast Implant Exchange And Replacement

Complications may sometimes result from your primary breast augmentation cosmetic surgery, making it necessary to have the breast implants replaced. Breast implant exchange or replacement surgery should only be performed by a trained and experienced surgeon in order to achieve

Posted in Cosmetic Surgery

Visiting Huntsville, AL for your plastic surgery procedure?

Out-of-Town Patients Visiting Huntsville, AL Many patients now choose to travel for their cosmetic treatments in order to receive the best possible care and enjoy a quiet and anonymous recovery period. No longer are patients limited to their own local area

Posted in Cosmetic Surgery

Breast Augmentation: Bigger or Smaller?

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries that women undergo each year. Whether you want larger breasts, or you would like to have a smaller chest, you will want to do your research. Exchanging old implants for

Posted in Breast Augmentation

How long do cosmetic plastic surgery procedures last?

If a patient is planning to undergo any type of cosmetic surgery, one of their main concerns will be whether the aesthetic results with meet their expectations, and what will be the duration of their post-operative recovery. But while selecting

Posted in Cosmetic Surgery