2 Orthognathic surgery Before and After Photos
Procedure: Orthognathic surgery
This 28 year old male was referred by his general dentist to Dr. McLain in Huntsville, AL for orthognathic surgery to correct excessive gingival show, lip incompetence and chronic gingival irritation from drying of the exposed tissues. During his consult, Dr. McLain was able to show a prediction of the expected outcome which he felt would not only improve the patients function and oral health, but also improve his facial balance. The patient underwent repositioning of the upper jaw (Lefort impaction) at the hospital with an overnight stay. He was able to return to work after 2 weeks and resume a normal diet at about 8 weeks. The patient is “really happy” with the surgical result and is enjoying improved oral health as well as a more harmonious facial balance.
Front View:

Side View: