Tag Archives: Double board-certified

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Cosmetic Surgery Cost | HuntsvilleTummy tuck, clinically called abdominoplasty, is a procedure performed by a cosmetic surgeon to create a flatter and smoother abdomen by reducing excess skin and fat. At the time of pre-op consultation, the surgeon will talk about all aspects of tummy tuck, including its estimated costs. This will help the patient to review their treatment options and make a well-considered choice.

Dr. Landon McLain is a double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon providing tummy tuck and various other aesthetic procedures. Patients in Huntsville, Madison, Florence, Decatur, Scottsboro, Cullman, Athens, Alabama, and surrounding locations have an opportunity to receive cutting edge treatments from Dr. McLain.


Price Factors

The cost of tummy tuck surgery can differ between two practices and sometimes even between two patients at the same practice. Several factors can impact the overall price tag of the procedure.


Practice Location

The average living costs will usually vary from one place to another, which will have an influence on the costs of most types of products and services. Major urban centers and prime cities along the coasts will generally have a higher cost of living than a smaller town in an interior region. Therefore, the costs of aesthetic services such as tummy tuck surgery will be impacted by where the practice is located.


Surgeon’s Fee

The fee of a cosmetic surgeon will usually be decided according to their expertise, training and experience in the area of tummy tuck surgery. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) recommends that patients should choose the right surgeon for their needs, and consider elements such as the surgeon’s fee only as secondary factors.


Anesthesia and Operating Venue Costs

Tummy tuck surgery will usually be performed with the patient under general anesthesia. The anesthesiologist or a registered anesthetist nurse will charge a fee according to their skills and experience. Tummy tuck may be performed at a hospital, an accredited surgery center, or a private surgical suite. The costs and benefits in each case will vary.


Extent of Surgery

Tummy tuck procedure may be performed using one of the several surgical techniques that involve varying degree of invasiveness. The monetary amount of the surgery may vary according to the type of technique and the length and complexity of the procedure. In some cases, tummy tuck surgery may be combined with other procedures such as liposuction, breast lift or some non-invasive treatments.

The practice may offer a package cost or a rebate in such cases. Double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon Dr. McLain receives patients from Huntsville, Madison, Florence, Decatur, Scottsboro, Cullman, Athens, Alabama, and nearby areas for tummy tuck and various other procedures.


Insurance and Financing

The cost of tummy tuck will not be covered by insurance under normal circumstances because it is considered an elective procedure. However, the patient can get the procedure financed through professional medical care financing firms. These firms offer quick loan approvals, low interest rates and easy monthly installments of up to 60 months in many cases.


McLain Surgical Arts is a leading cosmetic surgery practice headed by Dr. Landon D. McLain MD, DMD, FACS in Huntsville, AL. Dr. McLain is a double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon, offering a variety of procedures such as dental implants, wisdom teeth extraction, breast augmentation, liposuction, rhinoplasty, tummy tuck, facelift, Botox, and laser skin resurfacing. For more information or to schedule a consultation call 256.429.3411 or click here. Now taking patients from Huntsville, Scottsboro, Decatur, Madison, Athens, Florence, Cullman, AL and surrounding areas.

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Cosmetic Surgery Overview | HuntsvilleAbdominoplasty, commonly known as tummy tuck, is a procedure performed by a cosmetic surgeon to improve abdominal contours and restore a more attractive body profile. Loose skin and fat from the abdominal area will be removed in this procedure. Sometimes the underlying abdominal muscles may also be tightened.

A number of tummy tuck surgery techniques can be used, depending on the patient’s specific anatomical and aesthetic needs. Dr. Landon McLain is a double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon providing tummy tuck to patients in Huntsville, Madison, Florence, Decatur, Scottsboro, Cullman, Athens, Alabama, and surrounding locations.



Any adult who is bothered by the uneven abdominal contours due to excess fat tissue, loose skin or sagging muscles may be a candidate for tummy tuck. The cosmetic surgeon will carefully evaluate the anatomy of the abdomen in relation to the rest of the body to determine the candidacy. The candidate should have a good general health, stable and moderate body weight, and realistic expectations to achieve satisfactory outcomes from tummy tuck.


Surgical Techniques

Traditional Tummy Tuck

This is a commonly performed tummy tuck surgery technique that will require a major incision from hip to hip. Additional minor incisions will be required around the navel. The entire abdominal area will be addressed, including repositioning the navel at a more youthful level. Most significant results can be achieved with this procedure.


Partial Tummy Tuck

For patients who want only marginal enhancement of the abdomen, a partial tummy tuck can be performed involving just a single, small incision. Subtle changes will be made to the lower abdominal area, while the upper abdomen will not be changed. Double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon Dr. McLain receives patients from Huntsville, Madison, Florence, Decatur, Scottsboro, Cullman, Athens, Alabama, and nearby areas for tummy tuck.


Endoscopic Tummy Tuck

This advanced technique can be performed using small incisions. The surgeon will insert a tiny camera attached to an endoscope, which will enable the surgeon to view the underlying muscular structure of the abdomen on a screen. The surgeon can perform more accurate surgery in a less invasive way with targeted results.


Extended Tummy Tuck

Excess skin and fat from the abdominal area will be removed in this technique along with surgical reduction of the appearance of flanks on either side of the waist. Larger surface area can be addressed with this procedure than what can be achieved with a traditional abdominoplasty.


Circumferential Tummy Tuck

Patients with a large amount of loose skin after a massive weight loss procedure can benefit from circumferential abdominoplasty. Fat removal is not a key part of this procedure, and the main goal of the surgeon is to enhance body contours through surgical excision of loose abdominal skin.



Most patients will be able to return to their normal routine in about 10 to 14 days. Strenuous activities and lifting of heavy weights should be avoided for about one month. Results of tummy tuck will be established over several weeks and months as the swelling resolves completely.


McLain Surgical Arts is a leading cosmetic surgery practice headed by Dr. Landon D. McLain MD, DMD, FACS in Huntsville, AL. Dr. McLain is a double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon, offering a variety of procedures such as dental implants, wisdom teeth extraction, breast augmentation, liposuction, rhinoplasty, tummy tuck, facelift, Botox, and laser skin resurfacing. For more information or to schedule a consultation call 256.429.3411 or click here. Now taking patients from Huntsville, Scottsboro, Decatur, Madison, Athens, Florence, Cullman, AL and surrounding areas.


Liposuction Risks and Safety Information | Huntsville | ScottsboroLiposuction, just like any surgical procedure, involves a certain degree of risk. Risks can be minimized by choosing a fully trained and experienced cosmetic surgeon and following the surgeon’s pre- and post-operative instructions.

Double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon Dr. Landon McLain provides liposuction and other procedures to patients in Huntsville, Madison, Florence, Decatur, Scottsboro, Cullman, Athens, Alabama, and surrounding locations.


Potential Complications

Complications with liposuction surgery are rare, but the patient should have full information about these in order to make a well-considered decision. The complications may include:

  • Infection
  • Slow healing
  • Poor reaction to anesthesia or medications
  • Blood clotting
  • Excessive loss of blood and fluids
  • Accumulation of fluid beneath the skin
  • Friction burns
  • Visible scarring
  • Numbness in the treated area
  • Changes in skin pigmentation
  • Damage to vital organs
  • Damage to the nerves or skin


Extremely Rare Complications

Liposuction may lead to severe complications in extremely rare cases. These complications may include cardiac arrest, cardiac arrhythmia, internal blood clots, excessive bleeding, severe drug interactions, allergic reactions to anesthesia or medication, permanent nerve damage, seizures, and brain damage from anesthesia. When the liposuction procedure is performed by an experienced cosmetic surgeon, the occurrence of such complications is usually highly unlikely.


Risks of Excessive Fat Removal

If the surgeon adopts an aggressive approach to remove an excessive amount of fat from targeted areas at once, or performs too much liposuction in a single day, it can pose a risk for the patient. This is one of the common risks associated with liposuction, particularly when the surgeon does not follow a conservative approach.

Excessive liposuction can lead to lumps, dents, and sagging skin. To minimize the risk of such complications and reduce the side effects of overexposure to anesthesia, liposuction should be performed in phases, with each phase scheduled several days apart. This may be recommended in a situation where patient is looking for larger amounts of fat removal from one or more areas.


How to Minimize Risks? 

As a first step, the patient should disclose full details about their current health condition, medications and supplements, and a complete medical history, including previous surgeries, if any. If the patient is a smoker, the fact should be disclosed clearly. The surgeon should assess carefully whether the patient makes a fit candidate for liposuction or not.

The surgeon should evaluate the age, body weight, overall health and fitness and lifestyle of the patient, and look at these facts in the light of the patient’s personal aesthetic goals and needs. Preparation constitutes an important part of risk minimization in liposuction. The patient should carefully adhere to the surgeon’s instructions for pre-operative care and post-operative recovery.

Less invasive liposuction techniques such as tumescent liposuction, which involves local anesthesia, or liposuction assisted by laser, ultrasound, or radio frequency techniques may be chosen to reduce risks. Non-surgical fat reduction alternatives may be explored where it is necessary to cut down the risks of surgery. Double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon Dr. McLain receives patients from Huntsville, Madison, Florence, Decatur, Scottsboro, Cullman, Athens, Alabama, and nearby areas for liposuction.

McLain Surgical Arts is a leading cosmetic surgery practice headed by Dr. Landon D. McLain MD, DMD, FACS in Huntsville, AL. Dr. McLain is a double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon, offering a variety of procedures such as dental implants, wisdom teeth extraction, breast augmentation, liposuction, rhinoplasty, tummy tuck, facelift, Botox, and laser skin resurfacing. For more information or to schedule a consultation call 256.429.3411 or click here. Now taking patients from Huntsville, Scottsboro, Decatur, Madison, Athens, Florence, Cullman, AL and surrounding areas.

Liposuction Procedure Steps | Cosmetic Surgery | Huntsville | DecaturLiposuction is second-most popular cosmetic surgery procedure after breast augmentation. During the initial consultation, the surgeon will explain all aspects of the liposuction procedure in detail. While the approach and technique will vary from one patient to another, most liposuction surgeries will have the same basic outline.

Double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon Dr. Landon McLain provides liposuction and various other procedures to patients in Huntsville, Madison, Florence, Decatur, Scottsboro, Cullman, Athens, Alabama, and surrounding locations.



Liposuction cosmetic surgery can be performed using general or local anesthesia. General anesthesia will be administered either in gaseous or injection form, and will place the patient under sleep throughout the procedure. Local anesthesia, on the other hand, will only numb the specific area of the body to be treated, and the patient will remain conscious during the surgery.

Tumescent liposuction is a popular technique nowadays, which only involves the use of local anesthesia. This makes the procedure less invasive and involves a faster recovery. However, the choice of technique and use of anesthesia will be determined according to the extent of fat to be removed and considering several other factors.


Making the Incisions

Once the patient has been placed under anesthesia, the surgeon will create small incisions in targeted areas of the body to remove excess fat tissue. The incisions are usually minor, ranging from a quarter to a third of an inch. An experienced surgeon will ensure that the placement of incisions is such that the subsequent scarring remains discreet as far as possible.

Double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon Dr. McLain receives patients from Huntsville, Madison, Florence, Decatur, Scottsboro, Cullman, Athens, Alabama, and nearby areas for liposuction surgery.


Removing the Fat Tissue

Through the incisions, the surgeon will insert a slender vacuum tube called a cannula. It will go into the deeper fat layers. The surgeon will manually dislodge the fat cells by moving the cannula back and forth. Once the fat cells are disintegrated, these will be suctioned out with the help of an attached vacuum pump or syringe.

Laser, ultrasound, radio frequency, or other technologies may be combined at this stage to make the fat removal easier and less invasive. The patient will receive replacement fluids intravenously during and after liposuction because fat removal will lead to some amount of blood and bodily fluid to be removed along with the fat.


Closing the Incisions

Following the procedure, the surgeon will close the incisions with removable or dissolvable sutures. Drainage tubes may be placed beneath the skin for a few days to collect excess fluid and minimize the risk of infection. Sutures and drains will usually be removed in about a week to 10 days. In a few cases, the surgeon may keep the incisions open to minimize bruising and swelling.


Liposuction with Other Procedures

Liposuction is a highly customizable procedure that can be performed along with other surgeries for more comprehensive outcomes. Tummy tuck, body lift, breast reduction, and mommy makeover surgery are some of the procedures that are commonly combined with liposuction.


McLain Surgical Arts is a leading cosmetic surgery practice headed by Dr. Landon D. McLain MD, DMD, FACS in Huntsville, AL. Dr. McLain is a double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon, offering a variety of procedures such as dental implants, wisdom teeth extraction, breast augmentation, liposuction, rhinoplasty, tummy tuck, facelift, Botox, and laser skin resurfacing. For more information or to schedule a consultation call 256.429.3411 or click here. Now taking patients from Huntsville, Scottsboro, Decatur, Madison, Athens, Florence, Cullman, AL and surrounding areas.

Best Liposuction Candidates | Cosmetic Surgery | Huntsville | DecaturBefore an individual is allowed to undergo liposuction, a qualified cosmetic surgeon must determine their candidacy. The best candidate for liposuction would be someone who is in good general health, is within 25 pounds of their ideal body weight, and is bothered by the appearance of stubborn fat pockets that are resistant to diet or exercise.

The candidate should ideally be over the age of 18 for liposuction surgery. Dr. Landon McLain is a double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon providing liposuction to patients in Huntsville, Madison, Florence, Decatur, Scottsboro, Cullman, Athens, Alabama, and surrounding locations.


Who should Avoid Liposuction?

The cosmetic surgeon may advise the following individuals to avoid liposuction:

  • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • People with specific medical conditions that could interfere with the surgery or delay healing
  • People who are unable to discontinue blood thinning medications a few weeks before and after liposuction
  • People who have an allergy to lidocaine, a local anesthetic that may be used in liposuction
  • People who are unable to achieve a moderate or stable body weight


Liposuction and Teens

Teens receiving liposuction is an uncommon occurrence, but in exceptional cases, the surgeon may perform liposuction on a teen, particularly after a major weight loss that may have left one or more persistent fat bulges. The surgeon will evaluate the physical fitness, emotional stability and self-esteem of a teenager before accepting them for such a procedure.

If the teen feels strongly undermined due to the appearance unsightly fat deposits under the chin, in the hips, calves or other areas, restoration of a more sculpted appearance may benefit them emotionally. In such rare instance, a liposuction may be recommended for a teen.


Liposuction for Adults

Liposuction candidacy is not limited by age, but it is a major surgery which will have inherent risks that are associated with any surgical procedure. Therefore, it is vital to determine that the patient is in marvelous health in order to sustain the procedure. The surgeon will assess the patient’s health condition, medical history, previous surgeries, if any, and their skin type and elasticity before recommending liposuction.

Patients should know that liposuction is not a weight loss surgery or a skin tightening procedure. Individuals with good skin elasticity will usually achieve more aesthetically appealing results. Younger patients will have an advantage over older patients in this regard. Double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon Dr. McLain receives patients from Huntsville, Madison, Florence, Decatur, Scottsboro, Cullman, Athens, Alabama, and nearby areas for liposuction.


Reasonable Expectations

Individuals with a positive mindset, clear aesthetic goals and reasonable and realistic expectations will usually make the best candidates for a procedure such as liposuction. The patient should review liposuction before and after photos objectively, talk to previous patients, and clarify all they want to know about liposuction from the surgeon during the pre-operative consultation.

Liposuction can typically remove small, localized concentrations of fat, which may be in the range of 10 pounds or less in a particular area. Well-informed patients will achieve the best satisfaction levels in the end.


McLain Surgical Arts is a leading cosmetic surgery practice headed by Dr. Landon D. McLain MD, DMD, FACS in Huntsville, AL. Dr. McLain is a double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon, offering a variety of procedures such as dental implants, wisdom teeth extraction, breast augmentation, liposuction, rhinoplasty, tummy tuck, facelift, Botox, and laser skin resurfacing. For more information or to schedule a consultation call 256.429.3411 or click here. Now taking patients from Huntsville, Scottsboro, Decatur, Madison, Athens, Florence, Cullman, AL and surrounding areas.

Facelift Plastic Surgery Before and After Photos | Huntsville ALFacelift is one of the most important aesthetic procedures that holds the potential to take several years off the patient’s face and restore a more youthful facial appearance. The cosmetic surgeon will explain the pros and cons of the procedure during the initial consultation to educate the patient and help them make the right decision.

Many surgeons prefer to show facelift plastic surgery before and after photographs during the very first appointment. They will encourage the patient to review as many photos as possible as form a clear understanding about facelift. Double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon Dr. Landon D. McLain provides facelift to patients in Huntsville, Madison, Florence, Decatur, Scottsboro, Cullman, Athens, Alabama, and surrounding locations.


What are Facelift Before and after Photographs?

Before and after photographs in case of facelift surgery refer to a pair or group of images pertaining to a previous patient who has received the same surgery with satisfactory results. The photographs include images taken prior to the procedure and after the procedure at a stage when the bruising and swelling has completely resolved and full effects of facelift have appeared.

The cosmetic surgeon will take care to ensure that the pictures are acquired with the proper consent of the patient, and presented before new patients in an appropriate manner. The patient’s identity is usually kept undisclosed. The surgeon’s goal here is to ensure that new patients are made aware about the potential effectiveness of facelift surgery so that they can make an informed choice.

This is what digital technology does as well. Digital technology allows people to make informed choices. There has not been too many, if any, industries across the world’s landscape that has not been changed by virtual technology and the medical industry certainly has. Now you can see what a surgeon can do without even leaving your home. You can make an informed choice without even speaking with the surgeon. The clarity of these pictures are phenomenal. Now patient’s that sign up for these surgeries know exactly what they are signing up for which brings everyone closer together and reduces any anxiety on both sides.



Facelift is a procedure designed to tighten sagging skin and mitigate the signs of aging on the face. A new patient may not have a clear idea about how facelift may enhance their facial look and whether it will meet their personal aesthetic needs. Some patients may only need a partial or mini facelift, while some others may need a full traditional facelift surgery.

In some cases, the surgeon may recommend facial liposuction, implants or upper face surgery procedures in conjunction with facelift. The patient may sometimes find it difficult to make the best decisions. This is where the surgeon can make use of facelift plastic surgery before and after photos to help the patient make the most appropriate choices.

Dr. McLain is a double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon receiving patients from Huntsville, Madison, Florence, Decatur, Scottsboro, Cullman, Athens, Alabama, and nearby areas.


Having Reasonable Expectations

Experienced surgeons prefer to present facelift before and after photos at the very first meeting so that the patient knows exactly what the procedure can or cannot do for them. Once they are aware of the strengths and limitations, they will have a transparent and realistic view of facelift. Such patients will typically achieve higher satisfaction levels in the end.


Website Photos

The surgeon has the option to provide facelift before and after photos on their practice website. New patients can have free access to the photos online and may conveniently review them at home or office before deciding about a personal facelift consultation with the surgeon.


McLain Surgical Arts is a leading cosmetic surgery practice headed by Dr. Landon D. McLain MD, DMD, FACS in Huntsville, AL. Dr. McLain is a double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon, offering a variety of procedures such as dental implants, wisdom teeth extraction, breast augmentation, liposuction, rhinoplasty, tummy tuck, facelift, Botox, and laser skin resurfacing. For more information or to schedule a consultation call 256.429.3411 or click here. Now taking patients from Huntsville, Scottsboro, Decatur, Madison, Athens, Florence, Cullman, AL and surrounding areas.

Plastic Surgery is Surging in America | Cosmetic Surgery | HunstvilleThe field of cosmetic surgery has been witnessing consistent growth over the last several years. Much of this demand is fueled by first-time patients, but a lot of people are also seeking additional procedures after having had a remarkable experience the first time. Publicity in the mainstream media as well as online and social media has contributed to a rising awareness and demand for aesthetic procedures.

Double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon Dr. Landon D. McLain provides state of the art cosmetic procedures to patients in Huntsville, Madison, Florence, Decatur, Scottsboro, Cullman, Athens, Alabama, and surrounding locations.



Highly trained and experienced cosmetic surgeons are able to produce outstanding results and achieve very high patient satisfaction rates. This has translated into a dramatic increase in demand for plastic surgery procedures over the last two decades. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) figures show that more than 15.9 million cosmetic procedures were performed in 2015 in the US.

This effectively comes to one procedure for every 16 adults, and the trend continues to grow further. Dr. McLain is a double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon receiving patients from Huntsville, Madison, Florence, Decatur, Scottsboro, Cullman, Athens, Alabama, and nearby areas.


Highlights from ASPS Data

The figures released by the ASPS show significant and continuing growth in the area of cosmetic surgery in the US.


Doubling of Demand

In 2000, a total of 7.4 million cosmetic surgery and non-surgical procedures were performed in the US. This number has jumped more than twice to 15.9 million procedures in 2015. This indicates a remarkable growth of 115 percent during this period.


Leading Minimally Invasive Procedures

Some of the most important growth trends in this field are seen in minimally invasive cosmetic procedures. Innovations have made these procedures more effective, less costly and involving a very quick recovery. The top five non-surgical aesthetic procedures in 2015 were as follows:

  • Botox: 6.7 million
  • Dermal Fillers: 2.4 million
  • Chemical Peels: 1.3 million
  • Laser Hair Removal: 1.1 million
  • Microdermabrasion: 0.8 million


Leading Cosmetic Surgery Procedures

Breast implant surgery became the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure in the US in 2015, followed by liposuction surgery. The top five procedures were ranked as follows:

  • Breast Augmentation: 279,143
  • Liposuction: 222,051
  • Nose Reshaping: 217,919
  • Eyelid Surgery: 203,934
  • Tummy Tuck: 127,967


Butt Implant Surgery Grows Fast

The fastest growing cosmetic surgery procedure in 2015 was butt implant surgery. The demand for buttock implants was negligible just a few years ago. By 2014, a total of 1,863 butt implants were performed in the country. This number quickly jumped to 2,540 procedures in 2015, representing phenomenal year-on-year growth.


Diverse Range of Procedures

While traditionally popular procedures such as facelift, breast implants and liposuction continue to hold fort, people are increasingly seeking a diverse range of procedures. Procedures in 2015 included the following:

  • Breast Lift: 99,614
  • Buttock Lift: 4,767
  • Lower Body Lift: 8,431
  • Upper Arm Lift: 4,959

Male cosmetic surgery procedures have also seen a growing acceptance in recent years.

McLain Surgical Arts is a leading cosmetic surgery practice headed by Dr. Landon D. McLain MD, DMD, FACS in Huntsville, AL. Dr. McLain is a double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon, offering a variety of procedures such as dental implants, wisdom teeth extraction, breast augmentation, liposuction, rhinoplasty, tummy tuck, facelift, Botox, and laser skin resurfacing. For more information or to schedule a consultation call 256.429.3411 or click here. Now taking patients from Huntsville, Scottsboro, Decatur, Madison, Athens, Florence, Cullman, AL and surrounding areas.

Plastic Surgery and Beauty Trends of 2016 |Cosmetic Surgery HuntsvilleThe definitions of beauty continue to evolve with the changing aesthetic aspirations of the people. These changes have a direct impact on the type of plastic surgery procedures that people want in order to look more attractive and youthful. A number of new trends are occurring in this area in 2016.

Dr. Landon D. McLain is a double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon providing cutting edge procedures to address the aesthetic needs of his patients. Patients in Huntsville, Madison, Florence, Decatur, Scottsboro, Cullman, Athens, Alabama, and surrounding areas have an opportunity to receive safe, proven and effective procedures from fellowship-trained cosmetic surgeon Dr. McLain.


Smaller Breast Implants

Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most popular procedures today. Interestingly, however, a growing number of women are seeking smaller sized breast implants to enhance their breast appearance. Women often quote the reference of smaller chested beauties such as Gwen Stefani, Rihanna and Kate Hudson to explain their changing perception of breast aesthetics.


Breast Reduction Getting Popular

In line with the trend of smaller breast implants, breast reduction surgery is also gaining in popularity. Younger women are particularly asking for this procedure more than what they used to do until a year ago. The limelight attracted by Ariel Winter, the 17-year old star of Modern Family, who may have received breast reduction surgery, seems to be a reason that is fueling this trend.


More Women want Lip Enhancement

A spurt in requests for lip augmentation surgery has been reported by many cosmetic surgeons over the last one year, and the trend is expected to gather higher pace in 2016. Women typically cite the examples of Angelina Jolie or Kylie Jenner who may have undergone lip enhancement procedures.

Women have always wanted larger lips, but the demand has perceptibly risen since last year. Double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon Dr. McLain receives patients from Huntsville, Madison, Florence, Decatur, Scottsboro, Cullman, Athens, Alabama, and nearby areas for lip enhancement procedures.


Female Sexual Aesthetic Procedures

The field of female sexual aesthetics has emerged has an exciting, new area of growth in cosmetic surgery. Women are increasingly willing to assert their need to enhance vaginal appearance and feel rejuvenated and more confident. More mothers now want to restore their pre-pregnancy vaginal look. The introduction of non-invasive vaginal tightening techniques has added to the growth of this field.


Slimmer Chin and Neck

Aesthetic enhancement for the chin and neck is emerging has a rapidly growing area for cosmetic surgery in 2016. While neck and chin liposuction and surgical lift procedures continue to remain popular, a range of new FDA approved non-surgical double chin reduction procedures such Kybella injections and CoolMini have contributed to an expansion of demand.


Jawline and Chin Procedures for Men

Double chin reduction has become increasingly popular among men. Less invasive liposuction techniques and non-surgical innovative procedures to reduce double chin have found a lot of acceptance among men. A number of men are also seeking a stronger jawline, perhaps inspired by the famed jawlines of Sylvester Stallone and Brad Pitt.


McLain Surgical Arts is a leading cosmetic surgery practice headed by Dr. Landon D. McLain MD, DMD, FACS in Huntsville, AL. Dr. McLain is a double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon, offering a variety of procedures such as dental implants, wisdom teeth extraction, breast augmentation, liposuction, rhinoplasty, tummy tuck, facelift, Botox, and laser skin resurfacing. For more information or to schedule a consultation call 256.429.3411 or click here. Now taking patients from Huntsville, Scottsboro, Decatur, Madison, Athens, Florence, Cullman, AL and surrounding areas.

Facelift Plastic Surgery Cost | Huntsville | Scottsboro | FlorenceFacelift cosmetic surgery is a very personal decision, and the patient should view it as an investment in their personality. However, as an elective procedure, the cost of facelift is usually not covered by insurers, which makes the cost of procedure an important element in the patient’s decision. An experienced cosmetic surgeon will discuss the cost aspect clearly with the patient during the initial consultation.

Dr. Landon D. McLain is a double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon providing facelift and various other procedures to patients in Huntsville, Madison, Florence, Decatur, Scottsboro, Cullman, Athens, Alabama, and surrounding communities. Dr. McLain will ensure that the patient receives clear information on all aspects of facelift, including its costs, and makes a well-informed decision.


Surgeon’s Fee

Just as no two facelift surgeries are the same, no surgeons are likely to have the same rates for performing the procedure. Qualifications, training, certifications, and experience of the cosmetic surgeon will make a vital difference.

A surgeon with a stellar reputation in facial procedures would usually charge more than a newly starting surgeon. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons recommends that patients should choose the right surgeon for their needs, while surgeon’s fee should only be a secondary consideration.


Location of the Practice

The average cost of goods and services in major metropolitan area is typically higher than in less populated areas. Median household incomes, property values, local taxation and other factors may influence the average costs.

Patients should be able to recognize this difference and should be aware that the costs of facelift plastic surgery are likely to vary from one geographical location to another.


Extent of Surgery

A patient may choose one of the elements of facelift surgery, such as a lower facelift to address the jowls, jaw line and neck, a mid facelift to address the cheeks, nose and corners of the mouth, or a full facelift combining elements of the lower and mid facelift.

The cost will vary in each case. Dr. McLain is a double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon receiving patients from Huntsville, Madison, Florence, Decatur, Scottsboro, Cullman, Athens, Alabama, and nearby areas for facelift surgery.


Anesthesia and Surgical Venue Fees

Anesthesia in case of facelift surgery may be administered by an anesthesiologist or a registered anesthetic nurse. While both will usually charge per hour, the anesthesiologist will be the more expensive choice. The surgeon will recommend the appropriate option to the patient as per the circumstances of the case.

A facelift surgery may be performed at a hospital, an ambulatory surgical center or a private surgical suite attached to the surgeon’s own practice. Hospitals are by far the most expensive choice. Ambulatory surgical centers are an increasingly popular option, which are ideally designed for outpatient surgeries and will cost significantly lower than a hospital.



Patients can get in touch with any of the leading medical care financing firms, which offer competitive loans for elective procedures. Quick approvals, low rates of interest, and easy installment plans are usually available with these firms.


McLain Surgical Arts is a leading cosmetic surgery practice headed by Dr. Landon D. McLain MD, DMD, FACS in Huntsville, AL. Dr. McLain is a double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon, offering a variety of procedures such as dental implants, wisdom teeth extraction, breast augmentation, liposuction, rhinoplasty, tummy tuck, facelift, Botox, and laser skin resurfacing. For more information or to schedule a consultation call 256.429.3411 or click here. Now taking patients from Huntsville, Scottsboro, Decatur, Madison, Athens, Florence, Cullman, AL and surrounding areas.

Facelift Plastic Surgery Recovery Time | Huntsville | Athens | CullmanAfter the facelift procedure is over, the patient will usually receive detailed guidance for post-operative care from the cosmetic surgeon. The patient should follow the instructions diligently in order to ensure safer and faster recovery. When the patient has a clear understanding of what to expect during facelift recovery, they can be better prepared for it.

Double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon Dr. Landon D. McLain providing facelift surgery to patients in Huntsville, Madison, Florence, Decatur, Scottsboro, Cullman, Athens, Alabama, and surrounding locations. Dr. McLain will discuss the recovery process at length with the patient.


Immediately after the Facelift

Following the facelift procedure, the cosmetic surgeon will loosely bandage the patient’s head and face to help minimize bruising and swelling. Drainage tubes may be placed behind the ear to prevent fluid build-up under the skin. Pain medications will be prescribed for the first few days to keep the patient comfortable.

Some degree of post-operative swelling, skin discoloration and numbness in the treated areas is expected after facelift. Showering or bathing must be avoided until the surgeon approves it. The head should be kept immobile and elevated as far as possible for the first few days.


First Week

In the first week after a facelift, any strenuous activity should be avoided, but the patient should not be overly sedentary. Mild walking in the room a few times a day will support blood flow and prevent clotting. Stitches and drains are typically removed around one week after the surgery. During the first week, the patient should:

  • Keep the bandages clean and dry and change them often
  • Empty the drainage tubes regularly as instructed
  • Avoid getting the face wet until the surgeon allows
  • Use cool compresses on the eyes
  • Return as scheduled for a post-operative follow up

Dr. McLain is a double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon receiving patients from Huntsville, Madison, Florence, Decatur, Scottsboro, Cullman, Athens, Alabama, and nearby areas.


Subsequent Weeks

Bruising will disappear in about two to three weeks, but mild swelling is likely to persist for several weeks after a facelift. Most patients can resume their regular activities or return to work in about 10 to 14 days after a traditional facelift surgery. However, they will still be required to observe certain restrictions, which may include:

  • Sleeping with the head in an elevated position for the first two weeks
  • Refraining from vigorous exercises and heavy lifting of weights for three to four weeks
  • Avoiding the use of pools, saunas and hot tubs until approved by the surgeon
  • Avoiding aspirin, anti-inflammatories, tobacco, and alcohol as per the surgeon’s advice
  • Not wearing certain types of makeup as per the surgeon’s advice


Complete Recovery

The patient should attend all follow-up appointments with the surgeon in the months following a facelift. If any signs of post-op complications are noticed, the surgeon should be informed promptly. As the recovery progresses over several weeks and months, swelling will disappear and the full results of the facelift will be visible more clearly.

McLain Surgical Arts is a leading cosmetic surgery practice headed by Dr. Landon D. McLain MD, DMD, FACS in Huntsville, AL. Dr. McLain is a double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon, offering a variety of procedures such as dental implants, wisdom teeth extraction, breast augmentation, liposuction, rhinoplasty, tummy tuck, facelift, Botox, and laser skin resurfacing. For more information or to schedule a consultation call 256.429.3411 or click here. Now taking patients from Huntsville, Scottsboro, Decatur, Madison, Athens, Florence, Cullman, AL and surrounding areas.