Link to Business Insider Article
I recently came across this online article on Business Insider, about what physical features make men attractive to women. Below are the 5 features discussed in the article.
None of this is very earth-shattering and follows most of our assumptions about male attractiveness. Interestingly, there is only one feature that can be “easily” altered. And, no, I’m not suggesting we all go and get colored contact lenses with prominent limbal rings. Those look pretty fake once your within 3 feet of a person wearing them. I’m referring to the jaw or jawline more specifically. The good news is, there are several procedures that can increase the prominence of the lower jaw and render a more attractive appearance. Consider these options before buying platform shoes or having leg lengthening surgery.
As men (and women for that matter) age, especially with a little weight gain, the fat pockets underneath the chin and jaw may enlarge. This hides the once prominent jawline that was so well defined in our youth or when we were more physically fit. Liposuction to the neck is one of the easiest cosmetic procedures to undergo and has a very high satisfaction rate with minimal downtime.
For those who have a small retruded chin, placement of a anatomically contoured chin implant can make the world of difference. Despite what you may have seen in the movies, most chin implants are very natural looking without any stigma of surgery. There are even implants to improve the angle of the jaw. These solid silicone implants are very safe and most types can be easily removed if the patient desires.
Otherwise known as orthognathic surgery, which is primarily intended to improve the patient’s bite and function. The “extra” benefit to this procedure is that in many situations we are moving the lower jaw forward, creating more prominence to the jawline and significantly improving the patient’s appearance. This procedure is almost always combined with a period of braces applied by an orthodontist before and after the surgery and although this has a bit more recovery, the results are lifelong.
This is the gold standard in facial rejuvenation. With the passage of time, the soft tissues of the face and neck descend and literally hide the chin and jawline even if your bone structure is ideal. If you are in your fifties or sixties, you most likely know what I am referring to. A facelift or rhytidectomy, addresses the sagging tissues and restores a more youthful contour to the jawline.
Many times, some of the aforementioned procedures are combined to yield an even more significant result. If you are interested in improving your jawline or any other aspect of your appearance, please contact our office by phone or email. While we cannot make you a Hollywood’s A-lister, we can definitely improve your attractiveness.
-Landon McLain MD, DMD